Today I had to make a choise - finish only one flower and have time to blog about it or finish two flowers adn no time to blog about them.
So that is why I just have one flower to show you today.
A BIG thank you to everyone, who leaves a comment. here. I try to join the garden party every week, but sometimes I don’t find the time to chat with all of you ;-)).
Det er onsdag og tid til ugens blomst. Det bliver kun til en enkelt, men hvad gør det? Min blomsterhave vokser stille og støt.
14 kommentarer:
Your flower is so pretty. Happy you had the time to show yours.
Pretty flower and thank you for sharing. Carolyn :)
Anne Mette, what a lovely flower!
I know exactly what you mean: sometimes it has to be a choice between stitching or showing... At the same time it is so encouraging to know we are all managing to spend some time doing what we love. :)
I am looking forward to seeing your previous flowers as well, :)!
Lovely flower.
This is a very sweet flower
Lovely flower. Gorgeous blue fabric
You have made your flower from very beautiful fabrics.
I love your flower Anne-Mette! Time is very hard to find and I'm glad you decided to share one flower with us. :)
Your Garden is growing and it's so beautiful! Do you believe I have the same blue fabric?!
Du er flittig som alltid, eine blomen vakrare enn den andre! Eg har avslutta dette prosjektet, er begynt å sy blomane saman, men det tek tid, fordi det er så mykje anna som har større prioritet.
I helga skal eg kose meg med ein hyggeleg film, du veit, og sy saman blomane!
Hej Anne-Mette
en eller flere blomster :o) Lige meget når de er så søde som dine.
Jeg har glemt hvor stor / små de er ?
Knus Ingrid
Flotte blomsrer i din Blomsterhave.
Ha en flott helg!Klem :))
I'm glad you spent the time to show us your flower. Hope to see more next week.
Your hexies are beautiful.
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